Sunday, September 30, 2012

Jennifer McNally & Larissa Melendez
Hello again! Checking in this week about this
 past meet (Paul Short Invitational)
we just had on Friday, September 28th.
We as an overall women's team did amazing. Placing
5th out of 39 teams definitely had some people
noticing. Slowly moving up in the national rankings
from 35th to 34th now. Individually every girl
set a PR (Personal Record), meaning this time
was better than the last one they clocked from
last year.


Counting down the days until our next race. It's a big one! It's our Conference Championship
where we finally get to verse everyone in our
conference. It'll be a chance for us to PR in the 5K (3.1 mile) race, and check out  the

at this point. 3 weeks until we hit that course.
Couldn't be anymore ready. Until then!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Hello everyone! I'm Jenn. I am a sophomore at Adelphi University. I am on the Cross Country and Track & Field Team here. Aside from running, I am a Communications major, concentration in journalism. My hope for this blog is to show the hard work our team has put forth to have a successful upcoming season. I love running, and what it entails. Our first meet was at Bethpage State Park, where we versed eleven teams. We won! The biggest goal for this year is getting our team to nationals. Starting from last year where the women's team wasn't even nationally ranked to this season having us being ranked 35th nationally is the greatest accomplishment. This weekend we are racing at Lehigh College for the St. Paul's invitational. Should be a good one!

Adelphi Women's Cross Country Team, 2012

Our Top Girls